In your body there lies a priceless jewel—Seek that.
Oh, Wandering Sufi, if you are in search of the greatest treasure, don’t look outside.
Look within, and Seek That”.
Chakra Three: Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition
This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus.
It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power.
Chakra Attributes:
- Color: Yellow
- Function: Will, Power, Laughter, Anger, Joy
Healing Essence of the Chakra:
Located above the navel, it corresponds to the solar plexus in the physical body.
This chakra opens the channels of power and acts like a radiant sun, storing power and energy for future use.
By directing the full force of our intention toward our dreams and goals and moving creatively through life, we leave the limiting aspects of our childhood behind.
We are transformed into sacred and peaceful warriors.
Keywords: Leadership, Power, Authority, Integrity, Consciousness, Courage, Action
- I honor myself.
- I offer my light and service to the world.
Interpreting excess or deficiency in the third chakra:
Excessive Characteristics
- Dominating
- Controlling
- Competitive
- Arrogant
- Ambitious
- Hyperactive
- Stubborn
- Driven (compulsively focussed toward goals)
- Atracted to sedatives
Deficient Characteristics
- Passivity
- Lack of energy
- Poor digestion
- Tendency to be cold
- Tendency toward submission
- Blaming
- Low self-esteem, lack of confidence
- Weak will, poor self-discipline
- Use of stimulants
Balanced characteristics
- Responsible, reliable
- Good self-discipline
- Positive sense of self
- Confident
- Warm
- Energetic
- Spontaneous, playful, humorous
- Able to take risks
Answer the following questions:
- How do you rate your energy levels?
- Do you take appropriate action when your energy feels diminished?
- Do you feel the need to conform?
- Do you seek approval from other people?
- Do you take responsibility for your own actions, or do you let other people control you?
- Does shame influence your behaviour?
- Do you assert yourself without dominating others?
- Can you stay focussed on activities and see them through to completion?
- Do you take risks in your life?
Participant's responses:
I found my book!! Now I just need to catch up!
This is great info so that I can easily incorporate the chakras and balancing them into my life. Thanks!
I think this chakra is being balanced more by the work I'm doing of looking at all my belief systems. I seem to be finding my "authentic" power, coming into a long buried part of myself.
here is mine
blessings and light
I miss the chakra excercise and questions but I guess it s the holidays, so I hope you're feeling good dear Michelle and that you're enjoying yourself, beautiful xmas surrounded with your loved ones!
Bright blessings***
I read that the chakras are related to the tree of life, each point of the tree can be represented on a human body providing different points of energy.
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