Whether you created a MindMovie, a Dream Board, Treasure Map or a list, you didn't just take a step in the direction of achieving your dreams, you took a gigantic leap!
So congratulations to all of you who have made the commitment to YOU!
This week we're staying with the theme of abundance and working with the Triple Goddess Tarot.
The Western world is in radical need of balance and harmony, and we must learn to embrace the natural rhythms of perpetual change, birth, death, and rebirth.
Love is the principal ruler of the Fullness of Life Goddess; although She births and manifests through Her womb, She also manifests divine love through Her heart.
At this stage of initiation, life begins to mirror back to us our deepest held beliefs and patterns of relating to the world. The power of the earth and the resource of your own worth are evident as this archetype awakens within your daily life.
The Earth Mother embodies all stages of life as the Triple Goddess: Wise Crone, Bountiful Mother, and Maiden. Known by many names in many cultures, She is Gaia, the feminine earth steward who watches over agriculture and the ecosystem. Your body is Her temple.
Experience Her sensual temple by walking with your bare feet on the earth, smelling the scent of nature’s perfume as you walk amid the flowers, or touching Her skin as you climb a mountain.
Fullness of Life offers an opportunity to ground and centre your attention on the physical realm.
Become ready to receive life’s riches on a daily basis. Re-invite the Fullness of Life into your daily routine by immersing yourself in nature, bathing in fragrant bubbles or under the stars in a clear stream. Remember, the natural world is a mirror of your own divine potential.
What does abundance mean to you?
Participants who have responded to this post:
Blessed be!
mine is here :)
thank you Mich!
You got it!
To mean it means ny husband and my daughter. I fell so fulfilled and joyfull at the site of them.
Made me realize all that I DO have...posted!
Hey goddesses!
hello, all you beautiful, funkalicious goddesses!!! here's my post for the week. =) sorry i've been absent the last couple weeks, though...
interesting post. divine love is such a universal concept. check out this site on divine love for articles on divine love from Christan and Hindu saints at www.gitananda.org
Here is my response:-
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